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CHPC Core Sessions Half Way Point Questionnaire
Congratulations on marking your halfway point in your CHPC Core Sessions coaching program; well done! Please take the time to complete the following questionnaire. All responses will be personally reviewed by JP and kept in confidence.
First Name
Last Name
I have noticed the following positive changes in myself since starting the High Performance Coaching sessions…
The session that resonated with me the most or made the biggest impact on me thus far has been…
What I like most about my coaching sessions are…
The areas in my personal and/or professional life where I feel I am still struggling are…
The ways that I can get the most out of my next six coaching sessions are…
The three goals that I am determined to accomplish before completing the twelve coaching sessions are…
Now that I have completed my first six coaching sessions, the habits that I feel I need to start implementing now to be 10x more successful next year would be...
Other feedback for my coach or on the coaching program itself:
If you are human, leave this field blank.